I am a forty fifty-something mom of three four three children who were placed in my care for the job of raising and loving even though it appeared I didn't qualify. Each of their journeys to me is a story in itself. At this moment in time I am in the midst of raising these three beautiful starts that have landed in my life and in my heart. Each of them is a joy to behold.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Update on the sleeping arrangements.
The first night was a disaster. The second and third nights Johnley stayed in his bed all night. Sammy, not so much. He is determined to sleep with me. I wish there was a good answer here. If he wants to sleep with me that much, I want him to. But then Johnley can't be left out (although, I don't think he really cares one way or another - he just wants it to be fair!). And then Nick and I don't get enough sleep.
Ah, the joys!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Cost of new bedspreads? $38
Cost of new lamp? $7.00
Cost of Wall-E pillow? $11.00 (I know, it made me sick too)
Getting your boys to sleep in their own beds? Priceless.
Ha! I always wanted to use that line. I wouldn't actually know how great it is because last night was a big fat failure! But we are not giving up...It is going to happen...It is...It really is....
Thursday, August 14, 2008
You see, Sammy (and now Johnley) have taken to putting their spider man costumes on over their clothes and then putting long pants and long-sleeved shirts on over them....so they can really be Peter Parker - have spider sense- and rip off their clothes to be spider man.
You have no idea how much more cleaning up and possible laundry is involved here. I think its really cute, but I REALLY wish they would stop doing it. At least take it down to 1 or 2 days a week, instead a 1 or 2 times a day!
Anyway, the other day Sammy came out with this outfit on and I blurted out, "Now you just look fat." I had no idea he would be so offended. (where does a 5 year old slim kid get such an aversion to being called fat?) I quickly told him I was only kidding and he did indeed look like Peter Parker.
Now for the mature part. As I was tying his shoe today (he had taken the costume and extra clothes off because we were leaving the house) I realized that all I had to do was tell him that every time he put those outfits on he just looked fat. Then he would probably never do it again. And I would have killed a little boys heart just a little. So I kept my mouth shut.
Universe: 787377373211 Me: 1
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The joys of parenting
We have the noise. Ah, there is so much noise. We certainly didn't need any help, but we got it anyway!
And then there are the toys, ouy! the toys. The equipment, the must haves, the mess!
And don't forget the energy. Active, active, active. Never stop. EVER.
But nothing compares to the drama of a girl. A teenage girl. Oh, the drama!
LOL! But sooooo worth it!
The day after the middle of the night antics
I reminded Johnley and Taishauna that I was the boss of them, too, and they did have to listen to me - all the time.
All this because I am mad at Nick.
Can someone please explain to me why it bothers me so much that Nick goes to the gym everyday and rides 20-40 miles two to three times a week? It make me CRAZY. (And I can say anything I want here because I know he won't look at this site. Even tho he knows about it. Even tho I have shown him the site more than once. Yeah, I'm not bitter!)
Anyway, it doesn't matter that he was up in the middle of the night. He NEVER misses the gym. And he does these bike rides that are like superhuman. Why can't he devote some of that energy and determination to his family?
oh well, more fodder for therapy.
And to all you evil people...Yes, it has occurred to me that it bothers me because I can't exercise to save my life, literally! And to you I say...bite me.
Middle of the night antics
Then the kitten came into our bed this morning and woke Sammy at 6. Aaaarrrrggggghhhh!
So what did I do? I did the only mature thing that I could and woke Taishauna up! She doesn't want the kitten sleeping in her bed because she is dirty! So I figured since its Taishaunas cat and it woke me up, then Taishauna could get up too! Very mature.
So now we are all tired and grumpy!! Yup, it's gonna be a great day.
Oh yeah, and our neighbor gave us a drum set! Yup, it's all good.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
This and That
And in her words, "It was so totally awesome!". A great friend won two VIP wristbands and generously gave them to Taishauna. (Thank you, Sue!) At first she wanted to go with one of us, to be with an adult, but then decided to brave it with a friend. Nick took them up there at 4 am and ended up getting in with them. They were right up front and had an excellent view!
Sammy and Johnley both got their hair cut.
This is a before picture. I don't know if you can really tell, but both of them had pretty long hair. This picture is from the Radio Disney Show. And this picture is about the only good thing from that show! Actually, this may turn out to be our Christmas picture this year! And here they are after...too cute.
We had to put grease in Johnley's hair and so Sammy wanted some too! Do-rags all around!
And this picture is just to show you the kind of stuff I wake up to. Not the messy part, that's normal, its the booby trap that Sammy had set up that threw me!
Anyway, the boys are sick now. Last week we had something going on everyday and we have NOTHING planned for this week, which turns out good! They both have colds, Johnley has a fever. He brings new meaning to the the idea of 'the medicine kicked in'! He will be totally lethargic with a fever, absolutely pitiful. And then when the medicine kicks in he becomes a crazy man. Very, very, very silly! We are all spoiling him rotten because this is the first time he has been sick since he's been here, and the first time he has EVER gotten TLC!
Okay, so I promise, promise, promise I am going to post more. I am supposed to be journaling all the stuff the kids do and I haven't been. See you soon!
Monday, August 4, 2008
power struggle
It is so very interesting to observe Sammy and Johnley. Sammy has learned, little by little, that I am the boss. He needs to do what I say. He may decide to fight me, but it is usually worth it too him. For all the little stuff through out the day, way easier to just go along.
Not so with Johnley. He feels no loyalty, no reason to keep me happy. He lives for the moment, right now and to hell with any consequences. He is absolutely convinced that everyone in the world is out to rip him off. His first reaction to everything is no. Not just no, but NNNNOOOOOO!
I am not doing schoolwork, I am not brushing my teeth, I am not cleaning. What, cleaning? NNNNOOOOOOOO!
Sammy will go to great lengths to be Taishaunas buddy. If she blesses him with her time, he will act like he is 15 to keep it going, play whatever she wants, try to keep her interacting.
Not so with Johnley. He will just as soon tell her off than play with her.
He doesn't know or understand the hierarchy that is already in place in the world, so he ignores it all. He will go to a family party and go right up to either the coolest person there, or the person that nobody really wants to talk to. Its all the same to him.
There are things that he learned quickly. He began to negotiate with Sammy right away, if you let me I'll let you kind of stuff. He finally learned what is acceptable for breakfast, although we had to meet halfway there. I remember one day he threw a fit because he wanted popcorn. If memory serves, we gave in because we were on our way to soccer! But now breakfast is usually last night's dinner. Does not like regular breakfast food, no way, no how!
He woke up (too early) this am and immediately began crying because he wanted me to fix his camera. NOW! I told him we need a new special battery, he wanted me to go get it NOW. I ignored him and he said fine, I'm going to sit on the kitchen floor all day! I went and took a shower and spiderman was on TV. Guess where he is? Yup, watching TV. Somethings are universal!