Friday, February 1, 2008

New beds, new kids, new activities.

I am buying a king size bed. Thats it, I can't take anymore. Last night I got up and went into Johnley's bed. Sammy found me, but it still wasn't as crowded as my bed! So this weekend, we are going to purchase one.

So the social worker came today and talked to us about Aveena (thats her name), and tried to scare us. She told us that she may not take to being in a family and that she is so used to taking care of kids and cleaning and cooking she may not want to stop. All I heard was "SHE WANTS TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR KIDS! SHE WANTS TO CLEAN YOUR HOUSE!" So I told the social worker that even though it would be hard, I was willing to sacrafice for the greater good! No seriously, we are going ahead. Of course we found out that we need a whole new homestudy and it will most likely take two years, but what are you gonna do.

We went swimming today with the homeschoolers. We so didn't want to go because of the rain, but I am so glad we did, we had a blast.

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So here are some more pictures...
This is what my kids look like by the time we get home on Wednesday...

This is the cake I made for Jimmy. Don't ask me what it is, I just know that it is the undead from World or Warcraft.

And this is a picture of T's $5000 smile....

1 comment:

Roxanne said...

Love that pic with the boys conked out in the backseat.
Great looking cake!
And T's smile- worth EVERY penny!