Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The day after the middle of the night antics

So before 8am today, I got into Sammy's face and told him that I am the boss of him and he DOES have to do what I say.

I reminded Johnley and Taishauna that I was the boss of them, too, and they did have to listen to me - all the time.

All this because I am mad at Nick.

Can someone please explain to me why it bothers me so much that Nick goes to the gym everyday and rides 20-40 miles two to three times a week? It make me CRAZY. (And I can say anything I want here because I know he won't look at this site. Even tho he knows about it. Even tho I have shown him the site more than once. Yeah, I'm not bitter!)

Anyway, it doesn't matter that he was up in the middle of the night. He NEVER misses the gym. And he does these bike rides that are like superhuman. Why can't he devote some of that energy and determination to his family?

oh well, more fodder for therapy.

And to all you evil people...Yes, it has occurred to me that it bothers me because I can't exercise to save my life, literally! And to you I say...bite me.

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