Monday, August 4, 2008

power struggle

(This is a post I had started last week.. finally finished)

It is so very interesting to observe Sammy and Johnley. Sammy has learned, little by little, that I am the boss. He needs to do what I say. He may decide to fight me, but it is usually worth it too him. For all the little stuff through out the day, way easier to just go along.

Not so with Johnley. He feels no loyalty, no reason to keep me happy. He lives for the moment, right now and to hell with any consequences. He is absolutely convinced that everyone in the world is out to rip him off. His first reaction to everything is no. Not just no, but NNNNOOOOOO!

I am not doing schoolwork, I am not brushing my teeth, I am not cleaning. What, cleaning? NNNNOOOOOOOO!

Sammy will go to great lengths to be Taishaunas buddy. If she blesses him with her time, he will act like he is 15 to keep it going, play whatever she wants, try to keep her interacting.

Not so with Johnley. He will just as soon tell her off than play with her.

He doesn't know or understand the hierarchy that is already in place in the world, so he ignores it all. He will go to a family party and go right up to either the coolest person there, or the person that nobody really wants to talk to. Its all the same to him.

There are things that he learned quickly. He began to negotiate with Sammy right away, if you let me I'll let you kind of stuff. He finally learned what is acceptable for breakfast, although we had to meet halfway there. I remember one day he threw a fit because he wanted popcorn. If memory serves, we gave in because we were on our way to soccer! But now breakfast is usually last night's dinner. Does not like regular breakfast food, no way, no how!

He woke up (too early) this am and immediately began crying because he wanted me to fix his camera. NOW! I told him we need a new special battery, he wanted me to go get it NOW. I ignored him and he said fine, I'm going to sit on the kitchen floor all day! I went and took a shower and spiderman was on TV. Guess where he is? Yup, watching TV. Somethings are universal!

1 comment:

pamajama said...

I think I'm going to try that thing about sitting on the floor all day the next time Ray doesn't do what I want. I wonder if it'll work.

I like that Johnley refuses to accept the established hierarchy. He's going to grow up and run the world by default. Isn't that how all our leaders got their positions? They were crazy enough to believe in themselves, no matter what anybody else said!

Don't ever let him go anywhere with me because he would be a monster afterwards!