Saturday, October 20, 2007


Nick just called for some moral support. He has had a really tough day with Johnley. At one point Johnley was screaming at the top of his lungs (OMG, I remember when Taishauna used to do that!) and crying that he was hungry (as far as Nick could tell). Nick tried giving him a million food choices but he wouldn't eat. Right before Nick called me, Johnley threw a water bottle on the floor, and when it didn't break, he opened it and poured it on the floor. When Nick called, Johnley was in the bathroom pouting. My heart breaks for both Johnley and Nick. I honestly don't know who is having a harder time with this all. My guess is Nick. He is a little freaked out because he is in a hotel with a kid screaming at the top of his lungs and Nick doesn't speak the language. He will probably go to the village tomorrow and see if Monsour can help him. Maybe it will be better if Johnley sleeps at the village until they leave.

I would imagine Johnley has serious anger issues. How can you not? He's been abandoned by his mother (in his eyes) and now his life has turned upside down. I thought the honeymoon period would last a little longer, but I guess we are in for some tough times. I'm just sitting here thinking how Sammy and Taishauna will react to all this and for some reason it is making me smile! (Maybe so I don't cry.) I know its not all about me, but damn, this is gonna be hard!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sending you, PEACE, sister! You must be going out of your mind.
I think Taishauna and Sammy are going to be a great distraction for Johnley. He is use to being around lots of kids, and now he is alone with this man. He is confused, but once he gets home, his new sister and brother will help the transition. NOT TO MENTION, THE GREAT MOM, HE's GETTING!
