Monday, February 4, 2008

Great day!

Go Giants! Whodathunk??? Of course, the most fun are the commercials. A bunch of us, including T and her cousins, were betting on the commercials. You know, if the next one was going to be for a car, or a shipping company, etc. That was fun. I think Jack was the big winner, although Joe brought all the change, so its not like any of us got rich.

Anyway, as expected, the highlight of the night was the nerf gun. Or should I say, the most unbelievable, awesome, amazing, gigantic weapon of all time. I swear, I haven't seen Nick smile like that for a long time. Not even for the LSU parephenalia he got from me to celebrate his beloved tigers National Championship. And he wasn't alone. Bill looked at Erin and said, "Thats what I want for my birthday!"

So it was a grateful day, with a huge gun!


Roxanne said...

The cake looks great- but those of us in the know have to wonder -what evil lurks under the frosting? Is it squash?....spinach?...chick peas?

pamajama said...

Love the bears, but Nick looks even cuter with that gun . . .