Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stupid Mommy

Me: Johnley, we have to get dressed and go now.
Johnley: No, I'm not getting dressed.
Me: So then you will have to get in the car in your pajamas, because we have to take T to art class.
Johnley: Stupid Mommy.


Me: Johnley, put your coat on, it is raining and it is cold.
Johnley: I don't want to - I want to be cold.
Me: Well, you have to.
Johnley: Stupid Mommy.


Me: What show do you guys want to watch.
Johnley: Curious George.
Sammy: Curious George.
Johnley: No, Diego.
Me: Well, you both said Curious George and that's what I put on. We will watch Diego next.
Johnley: Stupid Mommy.


Me: Johnley, what do you want for breakfast?
Johnley: Popcorn.
Me: You can't have popcorn.
Johnley: Stupid Mommy.


Me: Come on guys, its time to put our pajamas on.
Johnley: Stupid Mommy.


Me: Come on guys, its time to go to the park.
Johnley: Stupid Mommy.


Me: Good Morning Johnley.
Johnley: Stupid Mommy.


Me: Sammy, get up off the floor (in the dentist waiting rooom), and where btw are your shoes?
Sammy: I don't want to get up.
Me: Well, you are lying right by the door and someone is going to hit you.
Sammy: Well, I want to be hit and I don't love you.

(Sounds of Sammy screaming and crying in the dentist chair while I sit in the waiting room like I'm told.)
(Sounds of my heart breaking.)
Stupid Mommy

1 comment:

pamajama said...

Okay, this is book material!

Love it:)

I always wanted to say "Stupid Mommy," but I thought she might break my face. Your children will be much better socially adjusted.

And with that little accent it doesn't even sound like anything mean at all!

Forget coats, let them travel in PJ's and get hit by doors. Natural consequences are best:)