Sunday, November 18, 2007

4am Eggs

Last night Johnley woke up at 4 am and stood in the hall. I called out to him to come sleep with us (which up until now is what he wanted) and he yelled, "No, mongee (eat)! Really yelled it. Woke up mad! I told him that it was the middle of the night and I was going back to sleep. He stood there and said some bad words, waited awhile and then started throwing things from my room to the hall. So I got up, took him into the kitchen and asked him what he wanted. He pointed to the eggs, so I scrambled him up two. He ate them and then skipped down the hall and into my bed, happy as can be.
So we are constantly caught between the idea that we are creating a spoiled brat and we are reassuring him that we love him. Pretty much the same as we are doing with Sammy! Johnley is just a little more original!

1 comment:

pamajama said...

Take the idea of "spoiled brat" and remove it from your brain. My son's great-grandmother used to get up and feed him tea and toast in the middle of the night, a wonderful thing. They will be big one day and you will be home alone with Nick. Remember that:)