Friday, January 11, 2008

Learning to say thank you.

This is a post I typed last week. I thought I posted it, but apparently I didn't. So here it is.

Sometimes people come into your life for the very reason to show you how NOT to be. Yesterday I gave someone a belated Xmas present, a calendar with my kids pictures in it. I got one for Xmas and sat down with the person to examine every photo, oohing and aahing with delight. My sister got one and did the same thing. This person said, "Do you know, last year you didn't give me one, and this year I got 6 calendars. One from the Chinese restaurant, one from the realtor, blah, blah and now yours." CAN'T YOU JUST SAY THANK YOU?????? (And don't think I didn't notice that you were comparing pictures of my kids to a Chinese calendar!)

On the lighter side, Sammy asked me if Erin's new baby was going to be grey like me and Owen, or brown like him! So not only are my children not black, but I am not white. I have always known that my children weren't black. When T was 4 or 5 I talked to her about how some people have preconceived beliefs about black people, and she said to me, "Who's black, Mommy, I'm brown?" and I realized that black is a silly term. But I had no idea I was GREY! I could see if he was talking about my hair, but he was talking about my skin! I need to get outside more!


Roxanne said...

That is adorable!! Erin would have a little explaining to do if her baby came out brown!

pamajama said...

I love this.

My grandparents were so totally brown.

And what about this whole ridiculous damned tanning insanity?

Life is really F'd up.