Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Rules

From now on, every time the boys say a bad word (even if it's in Creole and I don't know what it means) or they hit or push or throw something at each other, they lose a toy. It might be a game, or a game boy or a stuffed animal, or a favorite article of clothing. It goes in the big garbage bag in the dining room. In a week, I am either going to have two well behaved boys, or no more mess to clean up ever! I am so sick of them yelling at each other. We threaten spanking and soap in the mouth, but we never really do it. So this morning I made up this plan. Of course, Johnley yelled something to Sammy in creole and lost his Nerf gun, and I felt bad because I don't think he understood and anyway, everyone gets a warning first, so he got it back! And to top it off, he pouted for 30 minutes because I hurt his feelings, so I had to make it up to him! Yes, this is definitely going to work!
I'm bored. I took down all the Christmas stuff. It's all in the dining room. Every other room in the house is Christmas free and back to normal, but I don't feel like putting it all away. I'm bored because I have nothing to look forward to. And depressed because Christmas was enough for me to look forward to and keep me busy. That's pathetic. Is that what my life has become? I'm okay as long as I have Christmas or vacation or a birthday party to distract me. Ugh!
It must be January because I am bored with my life.
So, if I could do anything, what would it be? Well, if I wanted to matter and feel like I was doing something with my life, I would have to get involved in improving the world in some way, but that is way too much work and commitment. If money wasn't an object I would travel all over the world with the kids, adventure after adventure. And I think I would feel like their education would be covered what with all the world experience. So short of saving the world and traveling the world, what to do? I need a passion. I've never had one. I've always been too busy trying to live. Wow, has this post become all about me, or what! Ah, well. The kids are with their father and I'm going to watch Transformers. Again!

1 comment:

pamajama said...

Personally, I believe teaching children how to curse responsibly and appropriately is a part of homeschooling.

So, in reply I will only say: Get Momo.