Thursday, January 10, 2008

Random thoughts

I'm watching Dr. Laura and she says that couples should spend 15 minutes a day MINIMUM fooling around. 15 minutes a day. hmmmm. The first problem with this is that I am watching Dr. Laura. Well its 4 am and I turned on CNN and she is on Larry King. And yesterday I had a very interesting conversation with someone I like very much whos views could not be more different than mine. Actually it is the second such incident in the past 7 days. While it is very unsettling, it is also liberating. I tend to get stuck with my views because I'm stubborn. So I've decided that I have room for improvement (shocking, I know) and that I will be open to other views. Of course, none of this applies to Dr. Laura, because she is a STUPID BITCH! but that is just my opinion!
Anyway, back to the 15 minutes a day. Man, Nick is lucky if he gets 15 minutes a week! But flylady says that you can do anything for 15 minutes! I wonder if Dr. Laura is flylady?

Yesterday my friend gave Johnley an umbrella to play with and I wish I had taken a picture. It was a brightly colored flowered umbrella, and he looked so adorable. He kept saying he was hot, so he needed the umbrella up. No matter that I told him a hundred times the umbrella is to keep you dry, he kept saying he was hot. She also gave him a very colorful harmonica. He was in heaven! Just as an aside, Sammy was SHOCKED to find out that Johnley got a harmonica and there was nothing for him!
Sammy wasn't there because he was at Aunt Teri's house. Apparently he was naughty while he was there. Teri says she doesn't know if she wants him back. I don't believe her, but she was annoyed. I asked Sammy later what was going on and he said that he thought he was being funny but he guesses it wasn't funny. I wonder if he had an epiphany or is he just telling me what I want to hear? Probably just telling me what I want to hear, but because he is my son, I will believe that he had an epiphany. And that is why the mother is always so surprised to find out that something is wrong with her son!
Last night Sammy climbed into bed with us, but instead of getting between us, he just climbed in next to me. Of course I pushed him out of bed! He fell, Nick jumped up and ran in the boys room, going "What's wrong, what happened?" I yelled, he is in here. Johnley woke up and then we all climbed back into one bed and went to sleep. What fun!


pamajama said...

This is such a meaty post that I don't know how to possibly comment on everything!

First of all, there was never a cuter child in the universe than Johnley with an umbrella & a harmonica. It was magical.

I can't believe you knocked poor little Sammy out of bed during the Three Stooges episode, which would have made a great YouTube video if you had installed a camera in your bedroom. Actually, you might be able to make money selling subscriptions to your night time camera to pot heads who would laugh uncontrollably as the four of you all toss and turn all night.

As for Dr. Laura, oh boy. Ray bought me her book "The Care & Feeding of Husbands." LOL Clearly, I learned nothing. He thought he was being funny. I could loan it to you if you would like.

I'm curious what "fooling around" means to Dr. Laura. I think it might mean that her husband gives her a foot rub and then does her toenails, as I can't imagine that her va-jay-jay has been entered in many moons. Although it might not be as tight as her surgically enhanced face!

Now I've gone overboard. That always happens.

Aimee said...

I LOVE YOU!!! I could have gone on and on about Dr. Laura. She is such a putz. The care and feeding of husbands. What are they, dogs? These are the creatures we are supposed to worship and they can't even feed themselves? Puleeze!...and it was a meaty post, wasn't it, that is 4am for ya!