Saturday, October 13, 2007


How do you explain Halloween to someone that never heard of it? If I could, I would skip it, but then Sammy's head would explode!!! Halloween is way up there as a favorite holiday! And as a kid, whats not to love? But he has been watching the decorations go up...he gets that the scary stuff is just pretend. What is poor little Johnley going to think? We decided to only decorate with pumpkins and fall harvest stuff at home, no ring of ghosts this year. And once people start dropping candy in his bucket, I'm sure Johnley will forget everything else. But how do I explain the spiders and monsters up and down the street?

Nick calls everyday to let Johnley say hi to us. Yesterday was so funny. Nick would tell him to say "Hi, Mommy" in English, so Johnley would say, "Hi, Mommy in English!". When we were in the car we were listening to the creole tapes and the man would prompt us to speak in creole by saying, "Say hello, madam" and Sammy would say, "Hello, madam!". The two of them must think all adults are crazy!

We are in the midst of a clothing drive here for people whose apartments were damaged in a fire. My living room is full of clothes people donated (thanks everyone!) and I've decided to switch winter and summer clothes and donate anything I can from there. So I've taken down all the winter clothes from the attic and while I was up there I brought down the Halloween stuff.

I cleaned out Sammys room the other day because he has so many toys he can't keep the room clean, and today I realized I have the same problem with the rest of the house! So this weekend has turned into a declutter weekend. Right now my house looks like a tornado hit it! But after hearing so much about Haiti, I am on a mission to live a simpler life....I just have WAY too much stuff.


pamajama said...

I am exhausted by just reading about your day! I watched two movies, read two newspapers and played on the computer. You are inspiring:) Hopefully there will be so many new things for Johnley that he will barely notice the Halloween stuff . . . hopefully! Now I'm wondering about all that candy along with a new American diet.

Roxanne said...

Aimee- I'm in London at a internet cafe and just had to check what's up.Thanks for the camera card. Already used it all and had to buy a new one!!!!! Love, Roxanne