Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Nick is stuck in limbo! The paperwork is going nowhere, the temperature is in the high 90's and the hotel employees are on strike! But he is still convinced that he will still be coming home on Friday. He has been calling daily and having Johnley say, "Hi", and "how are you"! When I say Hi back, Johnley cracks up! Its so cute!

Nicks spirits are high, despite the setbacks. Today is a holiday in Haiti, so Nick went to another orphanage with the driver to fix their computers! So at least he is being productive!

Anyway, the paperwork was approved, it just wasn't delivered. So Nick, Johnley and Monsour are going to Port-au-Prince tomorrow to try and move it along. Once the paper work gets to the consulate, Johnley needs a physical, so they are hoping to accomplish that tomorrow and then catch a later flight on Friday. The later flight will put them overnight in Miami, and they will fly to Newark on Saturday. Otherwise, I think they will be stuck there until next week.

Okay, I have to go hold Cara, I will post more later.

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