Saturday, October 20, 2007


Nick called this morning and said, I need some advice...Johnley will NOT let me brush his teeth, what do I do!!!! Really??? When I think of what this boy is undertaking, the changes that have been thrust upon him, it blows my mind. I think its good that they are staying there a few more days. Johnley is staying at the resort with Nick now, and so he is getting some of these changes in little doses. He ran all over every inch of the resort last night, fascinated with everything. He gets to get a taste of living with a parent for a few days before he comes home to live with a new family. Teeth? Way at the bottom of the list of priorities.


pamajama said...

My kid won't brush her teeth, either, unless I practically beat her. She even lies about it. When Johnley gets here, Rachel can teach him to say, "I already brushed them!" She knows a few curse words, too, the first things everyone always wants to learn in a new language!

"I already brushed my f'in teeth."

"I already brushed my damned teeth."

"They're my GD teeth!"

I love profanity:) And blasphemy!

Roxanne said...

Hey Aimee- Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

My kids hate to brush their teeth, too.
