Thursday, October 4, 2007

Staff gifts

So now its two days away. I am starting to get it together as far as staff gifts. For some reason, this was the most disturbing thing for me. Okay, let me back up. We are on this incredible journey to adopt a little boy from Haiti. Its been in the works since April of 2005 and honestly, most people just got tired of asking when he was coming home! Well, we finally got THE CALL on Wednesday, September 26, 2007. (just 23 days after his fourth birthday).

Our first job was to gather the forms that we would need for the trip. The trip that my husband is going on by himself. This is a country that only required one parent to go and I liked that because it really isn't practical to leave the kids for 2 weeks; I just don't have that kind of support staff. The reason it is my husband going instead of me is because I'm a chicken! The thought of going down to Haiti by myself was just too overwhelming!

So my husband is going and we need to get a few forms together. After a few days of emailing the agency and stumbling through the forms we managed to get them all done and notarized. Now we have to think about what to pack. What Nick needs, what to bring for Johnley, and what to bring for gifts. It states in the 700 page guide book that it is customary to bring gifts for the children, staff and the head of the village, Monsour.

So what do you bring the staff of an orphanage in Haiti? First of all there are 17 of them so it can't be hugely expensive. How do I express my gratitude for what they do? I would buy them all a house if I could. If I was super woman I would make them something beautiful from the heart. But since I am not a millionaire or super woman, what do I get them? I went to two stores today (Kmart and the dollar store), walked around in a fog and left empty handed.

Actually, I spent $42 at the dollar store. I bought some hand cream for the staff and then went to look for things for the kids. Okay, so what do you get for 25 kids, of all ages, who live in what I can only assume is absolute poverty? Some colored pencils, some coloring books, some journals, some toy cars... I mean really, where do you begin? It all seems so trite.

But no time for that. Its Thursday evening. I have to get my hair cut tonight, (long overdue), we have to make a photo album for Johnley, oh yeah, Johnley. What do I pack for him? He will be spending lots of time with Nick at a nearby resort where Nick will be staying. He doesn't speak English and Nick doesn't speak Creole. There is a pool there so a bathing suit and swimmies, because does he know how to swim? Don't know! Does he like sports? Don't know! And anyway, what sports would they be?

I know I seem terribly uneducated about all this, but I have tried researching it and it is next to impossible to find out this information.

Ah well, it does seem like I'm whining and I don't mean to. What I mean to do is express that my head is going to explode! I find myself just walking around in a fog half the time. Anyway, the whole point of this post was to announce that I decided that I will give the staff lotions, oils and soaps. I have asked all my close friends and family to look in their homes for any such items they may have received as gifts and don't plan to use. I will also get some jelly bellies. I found a blog from someone adopting from China and she had made a list of items that seem to be wanted. Most everything can be found at the local supermarket.

So that covers the staff, at least the females. No idea what to get Monsour. We are going to buy some sheet sets and tennis shoes for the kids, that was a specific request. And some toys....

But no time to dwell...Taishauna has a social night at the church tomorrow that I am in charge of. I need to find a babysitter for Sunday. Possible overnight. I was invited to join some friends to celebrate, among other things, Johnley coming. Which is wonderful. I need to make some baked goods for church on Sunday. They are having a bake sale to raise money to buy phone cards for children of families that have become homeless - can't find a much better cause than that.

Sammy is a little anxious that his dad is going away (to play with Johnley, no less) and won't be available to play with him! So Nick needs to spend real quality time with him. He promised to take him to play putt-putt on Saturday. Nick is VERY stressed out about work, this will be the first time in 5 years that he won't be reachable to handle problems, and he is desperately trying to get his ducks in a row before he leaves.

Soooooo, there you have it. That is where we are now. Sounds doable, right! I will keep you all posted as to our progress and give more details about the actual planned process.

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