Monday, October 8, 2007

Off to Haiti

Nick got off to Haiti! The airport scene was both funny and sad. Nick had a Polaroid camera (a big one) around his neck, a pair of sunglasses and a pair of reading glasses hooked to his shirt, a blackberry hooked on his pants, an ipod and headphones in one pocket and a digital camera in another pocket, and his tickets in his hand. Everytime he went to do something, like take his tickets out, everything would fall or get tangled! I told him he needed a man purse, but he had to settle for a shopping bag.

Once it was time to say goodbye, Sammy started crying and clung to Nick, which made me and Nick start crying. Taishauna was very sweet, she held Sammy's hand as we left. We were all quite mushy when we got in the car, and then I got lost and yelled at the kids for distracting me and we were all back to normal!

Nick called later and reported that he made it to Haiti. He was in the hotel, was just going to get something to eat and hang out and listen to his Creole tapes.


pamajama said...

This picture of Johnley is so totally beautiful!!! I love the Haitian art, too. Can you get me some? Do you think your husband has time and energy to bring some back on the plane? It is hysterical that you sent him to Haiti carrying a paper bag! I am so jealous that this little guy is yours! CONGRATULATIONS!

Roxanne said...

Aimee- I agree with Pam. LOVE that picture!! I put a few photo's from last nights shower up on my blog. Have you heard from Nick? Tomorrow he meets Johnley!!!